TITLE: 五 (5, five) & Its Meaning. AUTHOR: SEOK WOO YANG, MD & PhD. CONTACT: E.mail: soplab@outlook.kr DATE: 2020.05.01 CONTENT: 5, fiver in Oriental/Korean/Chinese word is 五. The etymology of 五 has not clearly solved. 五 is composed of 三, /, and l. '三' signifies Jesus as following reasons: [1] Jesus' age is 33 years old. [2] Jesus' resurrection happened 3 days after death. [3] From Jesus' crucifixion through darkness at noon to Jesus' death, 3 hour interval histories happened. [4] Jesus is a descendant of Seth, the 3rd son between Adam and Eve. [5] One of Trinity. [6] Jesus gave three persons resurrection before Jesus' crucifixion. [7] Jesus mentioned his resurrection three times before Jesus crucifixion. As the author explained in his archives, the symbols, '/' and 'l' mean the Holy Spirit. Jesus' birth and resurrection after death, 2 histories, were mediated by the Holy Spirit. ...