Title: Trinitas = 左 (left side = Holy Spirit), 中 (central = God Father), 右 (right side = Jesus) Author: SEOK WOO YANG, M.D. & Ph.D. Copyright: C-2015-021847 (God's code hidden in Korea Words) Reference: God's code hidden in Korea Words (semiotic interpretation). Blog: coreatree7 . blogspot . kr / E. Mail: soplab@outlook.kr Content: In the book written by Kang & Nelson, the Chinese word , 靈 (spirit) has three mouths in it. They explained that three mouths indicate Jesus, God Father, and Holy Spirit. Each position of Trinitas is determined by the perspective that God looks us. So the Chinese words, representing the center (中) and the laterality (左, 右) , were composed according to the principle of Trinitas. (1) 中 (center) = God Father. The Chinese word, 中 (center) is composed of 口 (mouth) and l (a vertical line). The word 口 (mouth) means God's Word and the 'ㅣ' implicates "Your holy name be honored" in ...