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Trinitas = 左 (left side = Holy Spirit), 中 (central = God Father), 右 (right side = Jesus)

Trinitas = 左 (left side = Holy Spirit), 中 (central = God Father), 右 (right side = Jesus)

Author: SEOK WOO YANG, M.D. & Ph.D.
Copyright: C-2015-021847 (God's code hidden in Korea Words)
Reference: God's code hidden in Korea Words (semiotic interpretation).


In the book written by Kang & Nelson, the Chinese word, 靈 (spirit) has three mouths in it. They explained that three mouths indicate Jesus, God Father, and Holy Spirit. 

Each position of Trinitas is determined by the perspective that God looks us. So the Chinese words, representing the center (中) and the laterality (左, 右), were composed according to the principle of Trinitas.

(1) 中 (center) = God Father.

The Chinese word, 中 (center) is composed of 口 (mouth) and l (a vertical line). The word 口 (mouth) means God's Word and the 'ㅣ' implicates "Your holy name be honored" in the Lord's prayer. 

The meaning of a vertical line, 'ㅣ', can be inferred from the Chinese word, 雨 (rain) out of 靈 (spirit). The vertical line means "Your holy name be honored" in the prayer of Jesus (interpretation by author Yang). 

The centrally located mouth (口) in 靈 is below the vertical line and so it indicates God Father in Trinitas.

(2) 右 (the right) = God's son, Jesus. 

The mouth (口) means God's Word. 
Jesus said that he himself is God's Word.
In the Apostles' Creed, as " ~ He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; ~", Jesus' position is the right side of God.

In two Chinese words meaning the right side (右) and the left side (左), both words are commonly composed of 'heaven, God, ’ and 'Holy Spirit, 丿’. Below the two components of the right side (右) and the left side (左), each letter has the mouth (口, God's Word = Jesus) and the worker (工, Holy Spirit).

There is an interesting point, which the oblique line, meaning Holy Spirit descends through the horizontal line, meaning Heaven (God), on the position deviated into the right side of the God's position, the center of God's perspective on us. The right side of God is Jesus' position. 

The relationship between Holy Spirit and Jesus can be witnessed on two events; (1) Mary's conception of Jesus by Holy Spirit, (2) Jesus' resurrection after physical death by Holy Spirit. Namely, for Jesus, Holy Spirit acted to achieve above two events.

(3) 左 (the left) = Holy Spirit. 

Worker () means Holy Spirit to act between sky and earth 

In that Jesus' position is always at the right of God, that of Holy Spirit must be at the left of God. 

In the Chinese word, 左 (the left),  two components to mean Holy Spirit are present; the oblique line '/' and the '工' (worker).
About the meaning of '/' as Holy Spirit, refer to

After Jesus' physical death, the veil of the temple was rent in twain and simultaneously Holy Spirit has been sent to each of us. Namely, Holy Spirit has come to us instead of Jesus. So the Chinese word, an oblique line '/' (meaning Holy Spirit) may be located to the right side (Jesus' position) of the center in the horizontal line, 'ㅡ', meaning heaven and God.

한글판 방문


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