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Jesus' Second coming & Judgement = 東 (East) & 西 (West)


Jesus' Second Coming & Judgement Day
= 東 (East) & 西 (West)

Author: SEOK WOO YANG, M.D. & Ph.D.
Book: God's Code hidden in Korea Words

Copyright: C-2015-021847 (God's code hidden in Korea Words)
Blog (한글):
Blog (English):

(1) 東 (The East) and Jesus' Second Coming.

The Chinese/Korean word indicating the east is 東 (the east)

In terms of author Yang's semiotic interpretation, 東 is composed of three parts; 十 (cross),  日 (sun, light), and 人 (human, namely Jesus).

About the relationship between Jesus and light,  the Bible said in Mattew 24:27, that “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man". 

Like this, as a sign of Jesus' Second Coming, there will be lightning from the east the day! 


*** 日 (light, sun) & The first word of God  ***

The Chinese/Korean word indicating sun is 日.
In Korean race, the sun is pronounced as 'Hae'.

In Israel and Hebrew pronunciation, Yahweh is pronounced as 'Hae' in the prefix and 'Ha or Ah' in the suffix in one word.

The same pronunciation of 'Hae' in both Korea and Israel means the sun (or light) and Yahweh, respectively.

In author Yang's semiotic interpretation, the Chinese/Korean word meaning sun or light (日) can be analyzed into two parts; 口 (mouth, God's word) and 一 (one or the first).
In the Bible, the first word God said was the light (Genesis 1:3; And God said, "Let there be light: and there was light.").
About God Son, Jesus' Second Coming, the Bible said that "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Mattew 24:27).
Hence, as in the beginning, the first word of God was the light (日), in the end of the world, Jesus' Second Coming will be marked as the light like the Chinese/Korean word, the east (東).

(2) 西 (The West) & Judgement Day

In the author Yang's semiotic interpretation, 西 (the west) can be analyzed into 4 parts;  '一 (heaven, God)' + '亅(Eve, the first man to do sin)' + '乚 (snake to entice Eve, sartan)' + '口 (Eden Garden, sinful space)'.
It has been supposed for Eden Garden to be located near Israel as now.

Like the Chinese/Korean word, mouth (口, God's word), that of sinful land, Eden Garden is same in the shape of rectangle.
The rectangle is composed of four lines. About this, author Nelson and Kang described that four means the symbol of sin, for snake enticed Eve in four statements.
In the biblical perspective, the only tool to destroy the force of sin is the power of God's Word. So the author Yang infers that the shape of God's Word is similar to that of sin.

In the Bible (Micah 4:2, 3), "2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.".

Jerusalem is located in the West in terms of Korea and the direction of Jesus' Second Coming (the east). So Judgement Day will be held at the Jerusalem, the west.

The heaven, God will pull evil persons and sartan out of sinful land on Judgement Day.

So the Chinese/Korean word, 西 (the west) must be created. 


*** Number 4; 四 ***

In the book of Kang and Nelson (The Discovery of Genesis), about number 4, 四, they described about this as follows;
Lucifer carefully laid his snare of four attractive statements, all with the intent to deceive, which buguiled Eve into disobedience:
1. You will not die.
2. God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened.
3. You will be like God.
4. You will know good and evil
(Genesis 3:4,5).

They aruged that the Chinese word, four 四 is created with mimicking the shape of snare.

Although the author Yang agrees that four lines as a part of sinful land, Eden Garden, inferred from four statements that snake enticed Eve, he interpreted that four 四 is composed of as follows; '亅(Eve, the first man to do sin)' + '乚 (snake to entice Eve, sartan)' + '口 (Eden Garden, sinful space)'.
It seems for Yang's interpretation to be more logical.


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