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Dolmen, True Guide Stone to Spirit and Its Meaning - Hypothesis -.


Dolmen, True Guide Stone to Spirit and Its Meaning - Hypothesis -.

God's Hidden Code in Korean Words (C-2015-021846)




 In Wikipedia[], a dolmen is described as a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb, usually consisting of two or more vertical megaliths supporting a large flat horizontal capstone or "table". Most date from the early Neolithic (4000–3000 BC) and were sometimes covered with earth or smaller stones to form a tumulus. Small pad-stones may be wedged between the cap and supporting stones to achieve a level appearance.[Murphy (1997), 43]
 It remains unclear when, why and by whom the earliest dolmens were made. The oldest known are found in Western Europe, dating from c 7,000 years ago. Archaeologists still do not know who erected these dolmens, which makes it difficult to know why they did it. They are generally all regarded as tombs or burial chambers, despite the absence of clear evidence for this. Human remains, sometimes accompanied by artefacts, have been found in or close to the dolmens which could be scientifically dated using radiocarbon dating. However, it has been impossible to prove that these remains date from the time when the stones were originally set in place. [Lewis, S. (2009) Guide to the Menhirs and other Megaliths of Central Brittany, Nezert Books, ISBN 978-952-270-595-2]

 About the structure and its meaning of dolmens, the author has become to unravel the secret of the morphology of dolmens, based on the Korean/Chinese word, spirit, 靈 [Fig.1]. 
 The etymological analysis of 靈 was partially reported by the author in the word, brightness, 明 [Fig.2]. In Fig.2, 冂 was composed of the first vertical line(Jesus, who is present at the right side of God Father), the upper horizontal line(God Father), and the last vertical line(Holy Spirit, who is at the left side of God Father). []


 As a supportive fact for the meaning of dolmens, the author has reported number 3 is closely associated with Jesus and God's trinity in []

 Characteristically, the Korea Peninsula is said to be the area where dolmens are present in the top rank on earth up to now.
 Within the pronunciation of several Korean words, the closely related meaning about Jesus and God, Yahweh is connoted. 
 For example, the pronunciation of number 3 is 'seth', which is the third son between Adam and Eve, who is the family line of Jesus. 
 The author is a Korean, who is the first crypt-analyst in the mankind history to unravel the etymology of the now-a-day known Chinese word, the sun, 日and the moon, 月, and the number 6, 六.

 With this context, the author asserts that the true origin of now-a-day Chinese words is Koreans who worship God, Yahweh and have been pending for Jesus' Second Coming.

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